Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Domestic Goddess

I spent the day pottering around the house doing some gardening, mowing the lawn, baking and stocking up the freezer with some meals that I can heat up when I'm in a hurry. I feel like a domestic goddess, although I am putting my feet up for a while before I have to do the rest of the dishes.......and eat one of the delicious Banana & Blueberry Muffins I made.

Monday, February 15, 2010

With Purpose...

I'm sure we all have those days where you wake up motivated, get prepared and set out on your day with a mission and purpose for the day, only to come to the end of the day to realise you did absolutely nothing you were meant to.

This was me today. After gathering inspiration from a great blog i've been following SuperOrganiserMum I decided to take up her bathroom makeover challenge. This was today's main task , along with the following list of important things to get done.


2. Buy birthday present for T

3. Post photos to Shelley

4. Buy organisers & accessories for bathroom, inc shower curtain, bath mat, towels, baskets etc

5. Reorganise and decorate the bathroom

I headed to the shops, list in hand with a purpose, to finish my list. I stopped in at a great little sandwich bar for lunch and stuffed the list in my bag. I finished up and started wandering around the shops, a good couple of hours later while checking out great kitchen displays and new activities I can do with the kids, oh and bought a couple of facewashers. Much to my disgust I had completely forgot all designing, planning and colour coordinating that I had done. My mind was blank, no matter how much I walked around that homewares store I could not seem to find what I was looking for. A little deflated, i figured it was time to go home, not before stopping in at The Body Shop where I a half hour buying items to pamper myself with :)

So I got home feeling great, I was off to have a bubble bath, until I remembered my list. I pulled it out of my bag and realised I did NOTHING on my list, and most important was my grocery shopping. So i headed back out to the shops only to find them all shut.

I guess tomorrow is another day :)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Healthy Mind & Body

My goals this year was to maintain a healthy mind & body, to get to a place in my life where I was happy with the life i was living and the journey I was taking. I no longer want to be surrounded by people who have a negative outlook on life, or those who are just existing, life is too short. I want my life to have purpose, even though i may not know what that purpose is yet, i'm not going to find it sitting around all day or filling my life with rubbish just because I have time to kill. So I begin the new year with a renewed passion for life, this year I want to learn new things, explore new places, meet new people and live new experiences.
My challenge the past couple of weeks has been to keep a food diary of everything I eat and focus on ways to improve my eating and exercise. Each Sunday I make time to sit down without distraction and write out a menu for the week which i keep on the fridge. So when i am hungry and tempted to just grab whatever I can, all I need to to is take a quick glance at what I have already organised. I have found this is also a great motivation for me to remember my weight loss goal and the hard work I have put in and the work I am still to do to make it a reality.
Here was my yummy Banana & Strawberry Smoothie from breakfast.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Life begins....

Welcome to my blog. I have finally joined the world of blogging, although I have been sitting here for an hour trying to figure out where to start and what to write in my first post. So I thought i would just start typing and see where it takes me.

Two weeks ago I made the move from Brisbane to Perth to start a new adventure and see where life took me. I moved in with my friend Shelley, who I got to spend a week with before she left on the Navy ship for the next 5 months. So really I am starting fresh, not knowing anyone in a new city, job hunting, starting a new healthy lifestyle and trying to take more time for me to do the things I enjoy.

In the coming weeks, months, however long I can keep this going for, look foward to seeing a little bit of my world and the journey my life is taking. From recipes, to craft projects, baby name discussions, my weight loss, and the ups and downs of being a nanny.